Without rain, there is no life.

Lauren Parker
My Happy Nest
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2016

Last Saturday morning we decided a trip to the park was in order. Daddy wasn’t going to be home until later and Google promised it wasn’t going to rain until the afternoon. We set off, Small in the Tula, Big on his scooter, we were all feeling happy and I was totally winning at this mum thing!

Soon after leaving a few light drops of rain. Hmm no coats, no umbrellas… Aah well I thought, it’ll probably stop any minute, after all Google promised no rain until the afternoon.

We ploughed on, still happy and headed straight for the playground. It was full on raining now. Fuck it! I thought. We’ll play in the rain. Fuck you Google for your grossly inaccurate weather report. Fuck you fellow parents with your head to toe waterproofs judging me for leaving the house completely unprepared. We will stay and play and have fun…

We got wet bums on the slides and danced on the wobbly bridges for a while until to rain decided to pour. “Hey kids let’s hide from the rain!!” I tried making sheltering underneath the climbing frame fun. I failed.

Before we knew it the rain seemed torrential and showed no signs of stopping. The cafe was full of sporty Park Run people, no room for three drowned rats. It was time to go home. Now to persuade a 3 year old that going home was a much better idea than staying. The promise of hot chocolate seemed to do the trick although he still wasn’t too happy about it all!

Small briefly slept on my back whilst being pelted by the rain and after a few scooter/walking related protests and some not-so-zen parenting we eventually made it home, an unhappy trio. But nothing some towels, hot chocolate and homemade pizza couldn’t fix.

Note to self: never trust the internet.

