Why I Support Hillary Rodham Clinton and You Should Too!

Hillary Rodham Clinton Accepts The Democratic Nomination For President Of The United States On The Final Night Of The Democratic National Convention, Thursday, July 28, 2016

It’s no secret that I’m firmly planted in “Camp Hillary.” I’ve always admired her intelligence, her strength, her passion, her tenacity, and her resilience. If you were to ask me who the one person, living or dead, I would choose to spend an hour with, I would answer unequivocally, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Quite frankly, I believe she is the epitome of a badass woman. And #ImWithHer .

This isn’t a new thing for me. I own 3 of the 5 books she authored. I was a volunteer for Hillary’s campaign in 2008. I made phone calls. I walked the streets in the cold and knocked on doors to find support for her campaign. I advocated. I attended campaign events. Once, I was lucky enough to speak to her and shake her hand. My family proudly displayed signs in our yard and windows. We donated regularly to the campaign. I even sported a Hillary for President window sticker in my car until 2013 … when I bought a new car. This campaign is no different.

It’s also no secret that I’ve long been an advocate for gender equality. I’ve felt the effects and suffered the consequences of being a strong, independent woman in America in my career and in my life. I proudly claim the title of Feminist and I carry my “Woman Card” everywhere I go — I have no choice, it’s my identity. This doesn’t mean that I’m oppressed or lacking opportunity. I make my own opportunity. I make my own opportunity within the confines of what society allows right now. And I’m ready to break some barriers. Some suggest women will vote for Hillary solely because she’s a woman. I do agree that it’s high time that a woman is nominated to lead this nation; however, I’m calling bullshit.

I’ve grown weary of the tribes of #NeverHillary folks assuming that the only criteria on which this educated woman will base her vote is the presence of a vagina.

I’ve grown tired of the progressive #BernieorBust tribe’s chants that they won’t vote for the Democrat in this election because it wasn’t their Democrat. It reeks of an I’m taking my ball and going home because I didn’t get my way mentality. It’s immature and dangerous. I feel you. I was there in 2008. But when my heart sank I lifted it up, dried my tears, and supported the candidate that my candidate asked me to get behind.

I’m perplexed by the people who say they won’t vote at all because they don’t wholeheartedly support either candidate. Suffrage is not only a right but a responsibility. If you don’t believe every vote matters, ask Al Gore.

I’ve had enough of the ultra conservative crowd attacking and berating this woman at every turn. I’m appalled by the malicious, ridiculous videos and inaccurate memes that travel across my social media feed propagated as fact. None of this is based in fact or evidence, but extraordinary hyperbole and hate. It doesn’t matter what Hillary does or how competent and qualified she is, the people who publish and spread this playground propaganda will find some reason — typically biased or false — to tear her down.

I am interested, though, in the people who honestly seek reasons to stand behind Hillary to ensure that she will make history as the 45th President of the United States of America. And I want to help. With only 100 days until the general election on November 8th, I wish to offer reasons, grounded in fact and supported with evidence, that I will be supporting Hillary and you should too!

Will I change your mind? My answer to this question is that we can’t force people to change; we can only invite them to construct their own knowledge and evolve their own understanding of the world as a consequence. It’s my hope that, with regard to this election, you will arrive at your definition of the situation and, ultimately, your choice for the next President of the United States, based on facts supported with robust evidence instead of relying on conspiracy theories or knee-jerk reactions grounded in fear, hate, bigotry, and prejudice.




Lisa Hollenbach
My Improvised Life: Musings Of A Multipotentialite Educator

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