Nothing Is Impossible

Except maybe blogging consistently for 365 days…


I tend to be thoughtful and thorough in my work, sometimes to a fault. I’m fairly certain that the time I spend in “meta” mode chasing white rabbits down holes is the primary reason I am quite regularly running behind. An even bigger problem is that I love it there, in that world of cognitive chutes and ladders I create. What’s that they say about perfect getting in the way of great? Anyway… I’m behind… again.

It’s Day 18 of Blog 365 and I’m on Day 6. I’m sure some people would say,

So what? Just start today. No big deal.

Except . . . That’s not how my mind works. It would forever haunt me that 12 days were left incomplete, in the limbo of a mental Wonderland. Maybe it’s commitment and dedication; maybe it’s OCD — who can say for sure? But, I have to write them — there’s no question about that.

So, I need a strategy. A solid strategy that will both allow me to catch up and complete the missing posts without taking the “Red Pill” and jumping out of the Matrix every single time! Alas, every time I think I have quick, simple topic to write about, I find myself still pondering possibilities and proofreading paragraphs 3 or 4 days later. There are 5 posts of ponderings just passing time in my drafts as I type this one because I just can’t publish until I feel I have done the topic justice. Pedantic, I know.

I have a new plan to attempt to make the impossible possible. Until I am all caught up, I am swearing off new topics that inspire me to jump out of the Matrix or head straight into my mental Wonderland or through the wardrobe into Narnia. Instead, I’m going to examine quotes inspired by the pop culture equivalent. Instead of going into my head, I’m going deep into my phone’s camera roll.

I have a habit of saving quotes that resonate. The number of screenshots in my phone is, quite frankly, ridiculous. I’ve often asked myself,

What are you saving these things for? Do you ever plan to do something with them? What is the purpose of squirreling away quotes day after day?

Lightbulb: My quotes finally have a purpose!

So . . . Until my posts reach parity with my posse, I will ponder on the prose preserved in the plethora of pictures in my iPhone’s Camera Roll. Seriously, though . . . A quote is typically one idea, limited in text, and can only present so many possibilities for me to wander off, Right?

Fingers crossed. Wish me luck!

P.S. Today’s Post Was Brought To You By The Letter “P”



Lisa Hollenbach
My Improvised Life: Musings Of A Multipotentialite Educator

Educator. Editrix. Storyteller. Improviser. ENFP | Social Media |PSUAdjunct | @brightbeamntwk @edu_post @CitizenEdu @ProjForeverFree Senior Digital Manager