8 Scrapbooking Tips To Create Beautiful Valentine’s Day Card

Mirela Chudala
Little Memories
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2016

I would like to show you 7 ways how to create scrapbooking cards. I have some experience in making that cards that’s why I decided to share them with you.

1. What celebration?

At the beginning, before we start making a card we have to know for what celebration we are making it. There is many of them, e.g.: birthdays, Christmas, child’s birth. There is also many more other celebrations and occasions for giving cards to other people. For example we can make a card for “Good morning” or “Wishing a good day” or even send a card to a friend or someone from our family with an invitation for a coffee or just baked muffin.

My friends know that I usually need 7 days to make a card. I’m making it just 2 hours but that whole idea grows in my head much longer. My card must be unique for every single person.

2. The base for a card

When we know for what celebration we need a card we have to choose the base. It is a blank page on what we stick a decorative paper. The base has got basis weight 150 mg. That gauge is important so the stuck on element will not move. Then all looks pretty. Below there are two universal kind of base. Its color is usually white or ecru but you can buy them in many other colors.

3. Chits, strips and other decorative ornaments

When I sit at my desk, around me there are many different and colorful ornaments, strips or ribbons. These are only some of my decorative elements — look at the picture to check the rest out:)

Back to the point. We stick colored paper on the base and then we decide if it’s ok. Every element has to match each other. If it’s fine we put it around.

4. Three basic tools

For making a card we need:

  • Magic glue — this one doesn’t leave any marks on the paper
  • A sharp penknife — to fast and easily cut all elements out and so it won’t chip the paper
  • A ruler — the best will be the metal one so it won’y be cut by the penknife

5. Cutting

Cutting is important. It’s easy but we need to be focused. You have to follow the pencil line while using the penknife. It has to be smooth because the crooked line won’t match to the card and it will look unsightly. While cutting every inch is important because the card has to look perfect.

6. Inscription

Inscription is as much important as cutting. At the beginning of making a card we should leave some space for it. It could be: “I love you”, “You can do it”, Congratulations”, or “All the best”. Inscription has to look really pretty on the card.

7. Fitting

Our card is almost ready. We have chosen the colored paper and all decorative elements. Now we need to fit all the element on the card but without sicking. Now we remove some elements or add some new ones or even change the inscription. At this point you can change almost everything. At the end we need to check everything one more time and approve the final look of the card.

8. Using the glue

The last thing is using Magic glue to combine everything. You can also use the hot glue if you need to. I usually use it to pin the flowers — it is an easy and fast way to do this.

Our scrapbooking card is ready. We had to put some effort in it but it was worth it.

The card is perfect just like it had to be.


I have got another tip for you. If you don’t have so many decorative elements, an idea for a card or enough time you can download Scrapbooking app and make a card faster.



Mirela Chudala
Little Memories

Happy woman | sometimes crazy | #stratups #socialmedia #marketing #moms #kids #crafts #edtech