Cool DIY with a toilet paper roll

Mirela Chudala
Little Memories
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2016


Why to collect a roll from the toilet paper? It’s simple, you create the toolbox on the desk! Something from nothing? Yes! So how I created a toolbox on the desk from the waste that usually end up in our bins.

Today, I want to show you how by collecting rolls from toilet paper, pouring tape and rolls from the kitchen towels I made toolbox on the desk.

For the creative soul to do something creative and useful it is not a problem, maybe sometimes we do not have inspiration. But then we should think about a plan of action.

Probably you think that I’m crazy, but I hope my idea and simple execution will appeal to you.

What we need:

Rolls from the toilet paper, and kitchen towels and a roll from the tape and structural paste or color paper, which is essential to decorate the rolls. In addition, decorative elements, for me hearts, bows and washi tape. As usual we’ll need supplies, glue, scissors, pencil and hot glue.


I cropped rolls slightly. So they form such steps of different sizes, because it doesn’t only look good but it is also more practical. Then I painted them with paste structural 2 times. (After the first application backlashes were visible). When it dried I glued them to the base, using hot glue so it holds tight. At the end I was playing by decorating my art :)

I used to it washi tape and decorative elements like hearts and bows.


At the end I put to my toolbox things which until now were on my desk in slight disorder :)

If you like what I do, I invite you to my fun page — “Little Memories“ a lot is happening there, and perhaps will inspire you to conduct creative life.

My name is Mirela and I’m passionate about scrapbooking.
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Mirela Chudala
Little Memories

Happy woman | sometimes crazy | #stratups #socialmedia #marketing #moms #kids #crafts #edtech