How to make a homemade tissue box

Mirela Chudala
Little Memories
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2016


Recently I had an idea to make a nice box for tissues.

As you know, in every house there is a box of tissues, on a shelf, on the shelf at the exit of our house, or in the living room or in the corridor.

I do not know if you have the same, but I really pay attention to the design of the box in which they are tissues. Sometimes I can go even to 3 shops to buy tissues in a box, which will be nice. Because I do not like the colorful flowers because they are bland, or on the box there are uninteresting patterns and other bright colors. So I decided to create such a box. I bought in a shop simple wooden box that has a bottom sliding cover, through which I put in the middle the purchased tissues and not paying attention to the original cartoon of tissues, finally.

In a few steps I will show you how I made the box.

Step 1 Preparation for work

On the desk I spread the old papers so whilst painting the boxes do not get destroyed, and besides, after finishing work to be able to throw away everything and not worry about cleaning. I prepared myself acrylic paints and brush.

Step 2 Painting — application of white paint

I put acrylic paint on a plastic base and squeezed on the acrylic paint. I also have 2 types of brushes and kitchen sponge cut in half, to see how it will come out the effect of painting with the sponge.

As the box was painted I hung it on to the side to dry out.

Step 3 Another painting

I put a second coat of acrylic paint so the box was more expressive. Sometimes one coat of paint is not enough because they are discolored, so you should apply a second coat.

Step 4 decorating the box

It is this part that I like the most, so decorating boxes, for this I used paper flowers, wooden hearts and pink bow. At the and I put in to the heart a liquid pearls.

If you like what I do, I invite you to my fun page — “Little Memories“ a lot is happening there, and perhaps will inspire you to conduct creative life.

My name is Mirela and I’m passionate about scrapbooking.
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Mirela Chudala
Little Memories

Happy woman | sometimes crazy | #stratups #socialmedia #marketing #moms #kids #crafts #edtech