My secret method for the inspiration for making cards

Mirela Chudala
Little Memories
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2016


I love making cards and I am always very glad when my phone rings,
I answer and hear “Mirela, make me a card for my birthday” or? “Mirela, I am going for the wedding, my sister is getting married, please make a card for me” — such phone calls could happen every day!

I love the variety of challenges — particularly when I have to come up with such a card in completely different form, matching the person, character or habits.

It is not always easy

It happens sometimes that I have no inspiration, I sit down at the desk and nothing, nothing at all comes to mind to create an original card. I look at all my items, ornaments, beads, bows, special embossed cards, but this does not help. I do not know where to start. How to arrange all the elements in order to create a pretty card?

The first cards

My source of inspiration are my old cards that I used to make in large quantities and are somewhere in a box. There are not so nice anymore, my taste for making cards is changing all the time. Watching your own cards causes a smile on your face and a drop of sentiment to that time when
I started my adventure with scrapbooking.

Photos from your phone

Photos that I have on the phone are also my inspiration. Wherever I am and I like it, I take a photo. No matter whether they are nice furniture, bouquets of flowers, white, wooden boxes or nicely decked table. I love to look at nice neat things that are well arranged and form a wonderful whole. I pay attention to detail, also in the cards, because the details build “something” what on card and design is the most important


An invaluable aid when I lack inspiration is Pinterest. I enter the key word into into a search engine, for example: Mother’s Day, Wedding, Surprise, and I get immediately a lot of pretty pictures. Every card, every picture is different. I capture the colors, which then I put on my card. The configuration of each card is a different and very interesting. Sometimes
I mix different cards and my own card comes out. It often happens that you
I just need to look at one element and the idea of ​​card comes with the twinkling of an eye.

Do not copy, inspire yourself!

It is very important to me. I never copy the cards. I will never make my own cards based on another, which I found on Pinterest or Instagram. Each card is a work of the author so it is highly respected by me.

Looking for an app to create digital scrapbooks? Download Digital Scrapbooking for iOS and Android.

If you like what I do, I invite you to my fun page — “Little Memories“ a lot is happening there, and perhaps will inspire you to conduct creative life.

My name is Mirela and I’m passionate about scrapbooking.
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Mirela Chudala
Little Memories

Happy woman | sometimes crazy | #stratups #socialmedia #marketing #moms #kids #crafts #edtech