National Scrapbooking Day — Big Sale

Mirela Chudala
Little Memories


Today is The National Scrapbooking Day for we women who love scrapbooking have been waiting for for weeks and even months.

Since 1994 we have been celebrating that day from the morning. There is
a lot going on. We can participate in the workshops about how to make an album or a card. We can also improve our skills.

Besides for those who are dealing with scrapbooking every day it has become a passion and we can have the National Scrapbooking Day once in a month. What has stores prepared for us? Many different sales and promotions. Below there are links to the stores with the list of their promotions. Usually our buys can be from 15% to 50% cheaper! So my dears: ‘Go shopping’.

I have got one more information for you. Just like you, today I will participate in a scrapbooking event and I will make a Shabby Chic style album. Of course I will make some photos from that event and I will put them in the another article.

Yet in this post I will show you how Scrapbooking Day looks like in Poland.

Show off in a comment what you bought. Here you have links to the stores with the list of their promotions.

My name is Mirela and I’m passionate about scrapbooking. I work for Baked Games where we’ve created beautiful scrapbooking app. Learn more about us at



Mirela Chudala
Little Memories

Happy woman | sometimes crazy | #stratups #socialmedia #marketing #moms #kids #crafts #edtech