Scrapbooking For Beginners In Only 6 Quick Steps By Mirela

Mirela Chudala
Little Memories
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2016


I am very glad that you became interested in my article. I do not know if in fact whether you’re a beginner scrapper or not.

Although I have been making cards for 3 years, I often read such articles.

We learn for all our lives, even though we think we already know everything, it is always worth reading a lot and find out more.

My steps are probably not all of them, but it is worth that you know about them :)

1. Identify the reason

Identify the reason for which you want to create scrapbooking — this is a very important step, you can’t miss it. If you do not have a vision, you do not feel the flow of energy — which tells you that it will be a great adventure. Do not start at all. Scrapping you must be feeling, it must give you great joy. Think about how you want your album to look like, how certain cards should look like. Make yourself a plan and follow it.

2. Think about construction

Think about the design –for creating your scrapbooking you need to determine how it will look like. In what style you will present it for example, by creating an album physically or on a computer through electronic layouts. Ask yourself the following question:

a) Which method would be the easiest for you?

b) What method will give you more joy?

c) How do you want to share with ready scrapbooking?

3. Choose photos

Select the pictures — they are the most important. In the end scrapbooking is the story of our history on the basis of photographs. Search on your phone these images that have been done recently, e.g. from the meeting with friends and save them in a separate folder on your phone or computer.

4. Crop the picture

Each picture you can crop, according to your needs. It is not always necessary, but sometimes the effect of “PO” is sensational.

When cropping photos, if you have a choice of rectangular or square shape, use the guillotine. In that case cutting will be perfect and there will be no irregularities that can occur if you use a pair of scissors.

5. Select the emblems

Embellishments make scrapbooking so exciting! Appropriate decorations can cause your card will look great! The important thing is to check whether your decorations will improve and will help to create a consistent look in the album. If used elements dissipate the main picture, it is necessarily to resign from them — you probably do not need them.

6. Create a title

Create a title for each card of the album. It should be truly amazing and intriguing. But it can also be obvious — it all depends on your mood that accompanies you when creating an album. The subject of the album is also important. At the beginning make a plan of titles, prepare them in advance. Then only you will stick them.

Looking for an app to create digital scrapbooks? Download the new version Digital Scrapbooking for iOS and Android.

If you like what I do, I invite you to my fun page — “Little Memories“ a lot is happening there, and perhaps will inspire you to conduct creative life.



Mirela Chudala
Little Memories

Happy woman | sometimes crazy | #stratups #socialmedia #marketing #moms #kids #crafts #edtech