Credit: Yitz Woolf, Start Up Nation Central

Who Made the Trek?

Ariella Bernstein
My Jerusalem Heroes


See that picture above? Looks pretty standard but it is special. That is more than 50 venture capitalists who made the “trek” from Tel Aviv to meet with Jerusalem start ups. It might not sound like a big deal when the distance is only 66 kilometers. But it is. What should take just about an hour often takes more than an hour and a half.

Venture capitalists visited Jerusalem just as 52 start ups from the USA, Spain, India, Israel and Ramallah started their 4 month stint in MassChallenge’s Jerusalem accelerator. Yes, 52 start-ups wanted to come here. They asked to come here. Actually, more than 500 people from 40 countries applied, but only 52 were accepted.

50 venture capitalists, 50+ Jerusalem-based and global start ups — 100 people came to Jerusalem to change the world, to make a difference, to develop a new market we didn’t know we even needed. Right here in Jerusalem. Imagine that.

I can’t beat the star status of Mayor Nir Barat who came to welcome you.

But I can tell you that you are #MyJLMHeroes this week.

Do you know a start-up in Jerusalem trying to change the world? Share this and tag them so they know how proud we are.

Originally published at



Ariella Bernstein
My Jerusalem Heroes

I’m not one of those people who can change the world. But I can tell you about ordinary people doing extraordinary things, from a most unlikely place