We are solving the wrong problems. Technology is much more than automation, and convinience

Hertzel Karbasi
The Journey To Change Everything
3 min readJun 10, 2017


I hold a bachelor of science (BSC) in Mathematics and Computer Science and “almost-MSC” in bio-engineering, but 99,9% of what i know wasn’t taught to me at formal education. It is the school of life and obsessive curiosity that taught me most of what I know. I’m passionate about technology and have accomplished a tremendous number of successful, unconventional and awarded IT projects and operations for more than three decades, but yet define and relate to technology as a tool, a powerful tool, but a tool, to enhance and empower the humanity and society.

My most passionate interest has always been human science, mainly Psychology to better understand human mind, brain and behavior, Philosophy to explore the meaning of life, and Sociology, Organization Management and Education theories to learn about relationships and leadership. During my journey throughout the years of dedicating my professional life to technology (the left brain) and my personal life to human and liberal science as a hobby (the right brain), I continuously find profound correlations and similarities between those different aspects of life: materialism vs spiritualism.

I always have been in a sense that we as the Information Technology community, are usually solving the wrong and less important problems. Advancement and good-life is not about more and more technology. In one hand, technology can automate, augment and complement us, but in another hand, it cannot replicate our raw human to human interaction and experience.

Technology will never feel emotions, empathy, justice and love, but it can truly be more than an automation tool, more than an aid to time saving , entrainment or convenience.

Right usage and true utilization of technology can have a direct influence on human and society condition, expand and enlighten the human being’s purpose and knowledge of their existence. Technology is a force that the human science community cannot afford to ignore.

Innovations and breakthroughs are based on combining information from different domains that are usually not thought of as related. Technology and human sciences share enormous hidden, similar and sometimes identical concepts, ideas, practices and mechanisms that could inspire each other and catalyze new insights and innovations.

Blending the fields of human sciences and technology can guide the way to real advancement of human civilization by augmenting the human perception, intelligence, intuition and judgment. Technology is much more than automation and convenience.

In a world of increasing automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, connected devices, chatbots, virtual reality and augmented reality, our raw unreplicatable intuition and human emotions gives us the ability to make personalized choices and decisions. The only rational way for us to percept the world and make wise decisions is to use our unique, human skill that supersedes technology and that’s emotion. Trusting our emotion is what makes us human and algorithms will never capture our humanity and depth of emotion.

The current form of Digital Transformation has less to do with human evolution, but human “convenientization”. We need a Mindset Transformation to complement the Digital Ttransformation.

Mindset transformation is not about new technologies, It’s about a fundamental organizational change process that reaches every corner of society, it’s changing the way we perceive and create VALUE.

True Transformation is not about digitalization, It’s not about more and more “convenientization”, It’s about “humanization”, it’s about transforming the way humans understand, relate, interact to humans, not machines. Transformation is not about Business to Consumer (B2C), Business to Business (B2B), Human-Machine Interface and USER Experience (UX) , It’s about H2H, Human-Human Interface and HX.

Mindset transformation is the bridge to the artificial empathy gap between the left-brainers and right-brainers. It’s the key to break down the traditional barriers and enable collaboration between different cultures and perspectives. Combining different perspectives from different domains, is the only way to balance the tech insular culture, ignoring the real problems of humanity, and solving the same old wrong problems, again and again.



Hertzel Karbasi
The Journey To Change Everything

Exploring the Business of technology through the eyes of humanity