Drops of Life

Appreciating the Beauty of Liquid Love

Bella Reyna
My Joy Journal
2 min readJun 23, 2022


Photo of a grassy yard with stone path and paved walkway in the bottom left corner. The garden is lined with green, lush plants. Heavy rain is falling. There’s a covered area at the back of the photo, and multiple strings of lights strung across the garden with retro bulbs.
Photo by author

I arrived in Costa Rica after an overnight flight and a connection. It was overcast and warm when I was picked up by the hotel car. I sat down to enjoy some fresh fruit and water on the hotel’s covered patio and heard a soft pitter-patter of rain falling on the roof. Calm, relaxing. I looked out and saw the rain falling in the garden, showering the leaves and pathways with liquid love from the sky, drops in an already forming in puddles.

It wasn’t long before the rain was coming down in full force. Glad to be under cover and inside before it started, I enjoy the calming chaos of the heavy rain. It holds such power, such force, yet such gentleness.

The sounds shifted and changed as the rain modulated in intensity: roaring, soothing, whispers, then back to screaming its announcement.

Supplying and sustaining life, watering potentials for growth.

The rains comes down hard, then gentle, then not at all. A reminder that in life, everything changes. Nothing is truly static. Nothing is truly permanent.

The rain meets any surface in its path, washing away and cleansing whatever was there, drenching or dusting, depending on how it comes.

Life comes at us sometimes in full force, other times with gentleness, always shifting, always changing, always moving. We cannot force it. We can only move with it until we no longer move at all.

There will be a time when life comes to us in transition, when we won’t be in this corporeal form.

Until then, enjoy every moment.

Enjoy life, to the last drop.



Bella Reyna
My Joy Journal

Imperfect human, learning through life. Exploration. Mistakes. Lessons. Transformation. Healing. ~ Relationships. Non-monogamy. Life. Love. Family. Creativity.