Maximizing Everyday Pleasure

Noticing Moments of Pleasure & Joy

Bella Reyna
My Joy Journal
3 min readJun 5, 2022


Photo by Dale de Vera on Unsplash

A few years ago, I was in a course where they asked us to spend a week noticing when we were feeling joy or pleasure, and when we were tolerating something.

Being mindful of my pleasure, joy, or tolerance helped me bring forward an awareness so I could expand my pleasure.

Pleasure & Joy

Becoming aware of pleasure and joy helped me enjoy it more. Savour it.


I was walking on the sidewalk with my thin-soled shoes, and walked across a bumpy metal plate for a few steps. This felt like a foot massage as my walking pressed my feet into the uneven ground. I noticed and felt the pleasure in my body.

When I was washing my hair, I noticed that massaging my scalp felt relaxing, a pleasurable sensation I would have often overlooked in the process of showering and self-cleaning. I slowed down to savour and feel my fingers massaging my scalp, the sensations of touch on my scalp, my fingers, the suds and hair across my fingers and palms… a few moments of pleasure in an otherwise routine experience.


I notice finer details in leaves and rocks, admire flowers, feel the fresh air on my skin or as I breathe it in. Sunrises, sunsets and nature seem more vibrant when I notice and appreciate them. Architecture has beautiful patterns, lines, and asymmetry. When I notice them, I bring them from the passing background to the foreground of my awareness. This leads to joy.


Becoming aware when I was tolerating something gave me an opportunity to change or improve my experience.

I found it empowering to consciously choose my tolerance, or (more often) make a change to find comfort or pleasure.

I started noticing when I was sitting or standing and feeling uncomfortable.

  • Were my shoulders tight? Could I relax them?
  • Could I be more comfortable if I adjusted how I was sitting in the chair?
  • Could I shift my weight or change my position to be more comfortable?
  • Did I want to stay seated in the same position because the cat was on my lap, and I chose cat cuddles over my slight discomfort? Or do I want to reposition myself to sit more comfortably, knowing the cat will likely leave?

In most cases, I did something small to improve my comfort and experience. In some cases, I exercised my choice to be in a level of discomfort for the benefit or reason I opted for. Either way, I could feel satisfaction and empowerment through my conscious choice.

“Change is inevitable, but transformation is by conscious choice.” ~ Heather Ash Amara

Embracing & Maximizing Pleasure

Bringing our focus towards pleasure and joy increases our bias towards pleasure and joy, rewiring the brain towards happiness.

What pleasures do you notice?

What brings you joy?

What do you tolerate that you could change? Or that you choose to tolerate?



Bella Reyna
My Joy Journal

Imperfect human, learning through life. Exploration. Mistakes. Lessons. Transformation. Healing. ~ Relationships. Non-monogamy. Life. Love. Family. Creativity.