What Did You Pause to Notice in Joy Today?

Mindful gratitude in pauses & micro-pauses

Bella Reyna
My Joy Journal
Sep 22, 2022


Photo of green moss, covered with white moss or lichen, with leaves growing nearby, leaves in colours ranging from yellow to orange to red. Long blades of green grass sprout up at the bottom of the photo in two bunches. Dried pieces of brown cedar, and dried tree needles lay atop the moss, having fallen from their trees in the autumn.
Photo by author

Pause for Joy (Poem)

Too often, we rush through life
An endless “To Do” list of monotony & obligation
Without stopping to enjoy

The sound of the water,
The light brush of the breeze
The ground beneath our feet

The beauty around us

What joy could we feel?
What peace?
What bliss?

If only we recognized it

What do you notice today?



Bella Reyna
My Joy Journal

Imperfect human, learning through life. Exploration. Mistakes. Lessons. Transformation. Healing. ~ Relationships. Non-monogamy. Life. Love. Family. Creativity.