Bullet Proof Coffee for the Win!

Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2016

BPC (Bullet Proof Coffee) is THE staple of most keto diets.

This version of coffee was invented by biohacker Dave Asprey. It is a fat dense (carb free) version of coffee which is designed to kick start your brain and metabolism.

Dave Asprey’s recipe is:

  • Coffee
  • Butter
  • Brain Octane (MCT oil)

There are a variety of recipes that float around and are loved by many. They include the additions of cinnamon, cacoa, heavy cream and all kinds of interesting additions. I recommend you experiment to find you own personal blend.

If the very idea sounds crazy or gross to you — I challenge you to try it. It is AMAZING! (Assuming you like coffee.)

But WHY Mary, WHY?

First, you need to understand and value how vital fats are to our health. Presuming you have converted to a fat burner (via ketosis), when you start your morning with delicious, health fats, you maintain your ghrelin level and keep your appetite low and even. No cravings. No food obsessions. The mental strength to not eat all the shitty foods around you is no longer needed. It’s like magic.

This gives you the easy option for intermittent fasting.

Additional, Dave Asprey explains that MCT oil, particularly the c-8 version is maximally bio-available for your body to use for fuel. MCT oil in your coffee starts your morning with great fuel for your brain.

That’s why. Read the science for yourself.

I have developed the following personal recipe for my daily BPC.

Combine in a 16 ounce bullet blender:

  • Cold brew coffee concentrate (about 4 oz)
  • 1 TBSP heavy whipping cream
  • 1 TBSP Kerigold butter
  • 1 TBSP MCT oil (I prefer Brain Octane)
  • Boiling hot water to fill bullet

Blend for 3 seconds. Serve frothy. Guard your cup. It’s amazeballz.

Try a bullet proof coffee today!

I prefer the added fat (and taste) of the cream.

I cold brew my coffee (light roast) to keep the acid level super low and the coffee is so smooth, but still hot.



Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story

i love storytelling, making stuff, and learning to speak my truth.