Starting Stats: Day 1

Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story
Published in
1 min readOct 16, 2016

Age: 44

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 155 lbs

How my body feels: I feel pretty good. Minor headache, fuzzy head. It’s not a real headache — I’m just not clear headed. Does that make sense?

My emotional state: I am excited to get this project started because I know a system like this is good for me. I am motivated to do THIS project more than just the ketosis journey. I’m getting ready to catch a flight out this afternoon and start travelling most of the week, so that means I will have to be resourceful in order to work the plan. So, I’m a little anxious. I don’t want to eff it up right at the beginning.

What I can celebrate: STARTING. That’s the first step. It matters.



Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story

i love storytelling, making stuff, and learning to speak my truth.