Week 1: My Keto Story

Getting in the groove

Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story
2 min readOct 24, 2016


AGE: 44

HEIGHT: 5'4"

WEIGHT: 153 lbs (down 2 lbs)

The week in review:

Although this is the report for week one, remember, I was dabbling in ketosis for a month prior to getting hard core, so my first week was not typical. I was lucky in that I had very few symptoms of carb flu because I was already partially keto adapted.

This week was mostly pretty easy. Easier than I expected. I was travelling a few days and had some challenges with finding the right foods. Two days I was over my carb allowance by about 15 -20 grams of carbs, but I still lost. I need to make sure I don’t get overly confident and think going over doesn’t matter.

How my body feels:

I am tired from a LONG and sleep-deprived weekend. But overall, my energy is good. My body felt great yesterday when woke up. This morning I have a headache but I think that is my sleep deficit.

My emotional state:

I listened to several keto podcasts this weekend(Two Keto Dudes especially) and that helped me feel confident and knowledgeable. Because I am doing this alone (Hubby is not willing to give up grains and rice) I can make up a story that its okay to make one bad choice, or to feel sorry for myself. The podcasts helped immensely. I know there are loads of people on the same journey.

What I can celebrate:

Food cravings are nearly completely gone!!! There was lots of healthy desserts at the event I was at: fruit, whipping cream, fruit cobbler. They still had waaay too many carbs for me. The cool thing was how easy it was to just skip them. I didnt even feel sorry for myself.



Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story

i love storytelling, making stuff, and learning to speak my truth.