Week 2: My Keto Story

Why is this still so confusing?

Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story
3 min readOct 30, 2016


AGE: 44

HEIGHT: 5'4"

WEIGHT: 151 lbs (down 4 lbs total)

The week in review:

I think I’m getting more keto adapted. I only had two days when I felt a bit muzzy headed in the afternoon (carb flu still maybe?). One afternoon I was SOOOPER tired too. Then I had a bulletproof coffee and I felt better.

I had loads of stressful high pressure work stuff this week and I think being in ketosis helped me out because my blood sugar wasn’t bouncing all over the place and I stayed pretty emotionally steady.

I went to a birthday party last night. first we all went out to dinner at a mexican restaurant. Not eating any chips or tortillas kinda sucked but, I did it. There were no low carb alcohol options there, so while everyone else had a beer or a sangria, I had water. Then we came to my house to play games so then I had a whiskey! No carbs (just empty calories).

I did break down and eat a single mochi (ice cream and rice wrapper). I savored it. It was good but less good than I remembered — so that’s cool.

I went over my carbs thanks to the mochi BUT not by a lot and I still tested in ketosis on my ketostrips this mornings so, no great harm done. Lesson: you can cheat a little — but not much and not often. I’m back in hard core mode today.

My emotional state:

I’m feeling good and calm mostly.

I think my biggest frustration right now is the lack on consensus in the keto community on what the RULES are. I like rules.

I am still struggling with how much protein to eat and how much fat to eat. I have two different sets of recommended macros.

FAT: Some say that fat is a goal (which feels nearly impossible for me to meet when I follow my natural hunger) and other say it is a maximum but it is fine to go under because then you will just fuel off your fat stores (and I still have plenty).

PROTEIN: Some say protein is a goal and if i fall under that will make me hungry and I will start to eat my muscles. Others say that protein numbers are inflated in the macros and unless you are a serious athlete (I’m not) that you dont need that much protein really. Then there are those who warn greatly against eating too much protein because if you have extra your body will convert it to glucose (gluconeogenesis) and you will flip out of ketosis.

Aigghhhh. I don’t know. Right now I’m mostly following my hunger. I dont force myself to eat fat or protein if I am not hungry.

What I can celebrate:

I’m down another two pounds. That’s legit progress. I don’t look any different and my clothes don’t feel different but I need to stay patient and on the plan.



Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story

i love storytelling, making stuff, and learning to speak my truth.