Week 3: My Keto Story

Progress. SLOOOOW progress.

Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story
2 min readNov 6, 2016


AGE: 44

HEIGHT: 5'4"

WEIGHT: 148 lbs (down 7 lbs total)

The week in review:

Another busy and somewhat stressful week, but it didn’t derail my my progress — so yaay!

I was travelling for four days and I was worried I would struggle with food options but I did pretty well. I even forgot to bring my backup plan (epic meat bars) but I was fine without them.

One thing that worked this week but probably is a bad idea is that I pretty much stopped food logging on my fitness pal. Why? Because I mostly just keep eating the same thing. Why is it bad idea? Because when I don’t log I tend to get sloppy. So I need to get back to logging.

Other notes: I am starting to notice the change in my body. So far it is mostly all in my upper body, which is pretty standard for me. My boobs shrink way before my butt does, and that’s just the sad and ugly truth. (WHYYYYY? I like my boobs! Take my butt away please.) When I look at the weekly pics I don’t see much difference, but I also know that I am not an impartial judge of what I look like so, I will just keep on keeping on.

One more thing to report: I have been going to the gym now a few days a week and started some basic weight training. My goal is to build muscle plus increase my overall fitness via HIIT type classes. As I dig into that world (gym and fitness) more I will report on what I am finding both in the science literature as well as how my body is responding.

Until next week: Keto on dudes.



Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story

i love storytelling, making stuff, and learning to speak my truth.