5 Best Apps to Organize Your Life (That Aren’t Notion)

Shu Omi
Shu Omi’s Blog



Getting yourself a tool to organise your life can be life-changing. Personally, it helps me be less stressed out about figuring out what to focus on. When I’ve had lots of projects, sometimes it would take me half an hour just to pick where to start. These tools give me more confidence / less stress, knowing I’m spending time on what’s important today.

It could be just a piece of paper or PostIt note, or apps like Google calendar and Google keep. While these tools are simple and great, there are lots of new generation productivity apps for organising your life.

Many people use big apps like Notion and Obsidian that let you create a super complex system, but the problem is that it takes lots of time and effort to set them up and maintain the system, which is a reason why I gave up on these apps.

So in this article, I want to introduce ones that are ready to use right out of the box, but also powerful and pack important features — such as notes, planner and todo list — to organise your life.




Shu Omi
Shu Omi’s Blog

I’m a former data scientist and now a full-time creator. I share what I learned about personal knowledge management and building an online audience