Google just made a new note app | NotebookLM review

Shu Omi
Shu Omi’s Blog


Google recently announced NotebookLM, which is not just a typical note app, but more like an AI collaborator that can help you understand ideas and write better.

“It’s a new kind of notebook designed to help people learn faster”

It’s actually the kind of app I wish I had when I was a uni student, because it would have made it a lot easier to write papers and essays. So if you’re currently a student, academic, writer, or even a teacher, you might want to check it out.

What It Can Do

NotebookLM has a design that feels familiar, much like using Google Keep, which many people appreciate for its simplicity and ease of use. Just like Google Keep, NotebookLM is also intuitive and easy to use. On the left side of the screen, you have your resources, and on the right, you have your notes and chat space with AI:



Shu Omi
Shu Omi’s Blog

I’m a former data scientist and now a full-time creator. I share what I learned about personal knowledge management and building an online audience