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How to Learn and Memorise Anything Efficiently— Lessons from The Only Skill That Matters

How to Become a Super-learner

Shu Omi
Published in
8 min readDec 24, 2019



1. Learning is the gateway skill to unlocking other important skills in life

2. Use the power of visualisation and spaced repetition for effective learning and memorisation

3. Invest in high-performance habits such as sleep, exercise and nutrition

What is the only skill that matters in life?

It’s the skill of learning, says Jonathan Levi, the author of The Only Skill That Matters.

In modern life, we have to learn many skills. We have to know how to get along with technology, keep up with politics, balance your finances, choose a healthy diet, and a million other little skills.

However, these skills don’t matter if you can’t learn them effectively.

Learning is the gateway skill to unlocking every other skill you need in life.

Despite this, we’ve never been taught how to learn effectively. He asks,

‘At any point in your life, did anyone, educator or otherwise, actually teach you how to learn?’

This is why many of struggle thorough school and learning in…



Shu Omi
Shu Omi’s Blog

I’m a former data scientist and now a full-time creator. I share what I learned about personal knowledge management and building an online audience