Passion and Interest

Lauren Tranchita
My life-long Passion
2 min readDec 2, 2014

When people explain what they are passionate about it, the answers usually involve activities such as writing, drawing, or dancing; but not mine. Ever since I was a little girl, according to my mother, I would always boss my siblings around, answer for them, and tell them what to do. It was who I was.

In dance classes and every sports team I was on growing up, I wanted to be the leader. I wanted to be the person everyone looked up to, the person they could count on, and the person they could talk to about anything. That is what a leader and a captain does. I was captain for my varsity basketball team both junior and senior year of high school because I made it my goal to become one.

I never wanted to sit on the back-burner and wait for someone to tell me what to do. I have always wanted, and continue to want to be that person to tell other people what to do. I can honestly say, however, when I was younger, I definately butted heads with a few people… But still to this day, in group projects for example, I feel as though I naturally become a leader. Not because I say so or because its assigned, but it is just how my personality works.

Because of all this “want” and “passion” for becoming a leader and a captain, I have grown to learn and realize that my passion is to become someone who doesn’t just sit behind other people and wait to be told what to do. I want to be the person to tell other people what to do and make the decisions for people. In another sense, I want to be the boss, my own boss, a leader. I realize climbing up the corporate latter takes time, but that only makes me strive for that passion even more.

On a lighter note, the other passion of mine that somewhat goes hand in hand with what was previously said, is sports. Because I wanted to be a leader and captain, I grew to be a fan and to love every sport I’ve played and watched. When I wasn’t bossing my siblings around, I would be watching every football, basketball, and baseball game there was on T.V, and enjoyed every second of it.

I swear I was my dads second son growing up…

But, because of that, sports grew to be another important passion of mine. From a very young age, I knew my future job was going to be something in the sports field along with being my own boss. These two passions have become my goals for the future.

