Chapter 1 : Let the Journey begin…

Poonam Sahasrabuddhe
My Life…My Story
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2018

29th June 2022 — MY 40th Birthday..

25th July 2018

Hello there….

Welcome to my journey towards 40.

On 29th June’18 , I celebrated my 36th birthday. That’s when this idea popped up in my mind for the very first time.

How awesome would it be to document my journey towards 40!

Four years down the road, how great will it be to look back and see how far I have come. How much I have grown as a person. To look at my experiences, both good and bad. To evaluate what I have learned from those experiences..

Maybe to inspire someone along the way.

I was very excited to start documenting..

But then…I just didn’t….


Well no specific reason.

It was a great idea, but it just wasn’t a priority.

This has happened to me before. Some idea crosses my mind. It’s exciting, fascinating! I discuss that idea, dream about bringing it into reality, but then if I don’t do anything about it right away, the passion to start working on that idea gradually dwindles down. However, the idea still lingers within me. Desperate to come out. As if asking me, ‘Hey remember you thought about bringing me in this world? What happened to that?’

Has it ever happened to you???

This time however, although after a month’s delay, I have started working on it.

Lesson # 1

Ideas don’t work unless you do.

So let the journey begin….

I am in a constant quest of better understanding myself. I guess I’ll never be able to completely unfold the mystery of my mind but still my curiosity has helped me get a perspective about why I do certain things…

It’s so important to slow down from time to time and reflect upon our actions and behavior patterns, isn’t it?

This led me to a question -

Why did I not start working on my idea of publicly documenting my journey ?

This time though I didn’t want to fool myself with the excuse of ‘lack of time,’ cause I know that everyone can find time for the things that matter. And this matters to me. Then what was stopping me from taking action?

The thoughts that pulled me down …

After the initial excitement of this seemingly ‘great idea’ faded away, my mind began analyzing and making sense of this idea. And then began a series of thoughts -

1) Why do it publicly? How would witnessing my journey matter to anyone?

2) What if I can’t commit?

3) Will this be a waste of time?

4)Who am I to publicly document my journey? I am not a famous personality nor a celebrity.

5) I am already writing my journal so why this new thing?

6) How exactly am I going to document it?

These thoughts appeared in no particular order, but together succeeded in pulling me down. They were lingering deep within my subconscious, without me even realizing that they even existed.

It’s funny how the mind works. I am a strong advocate of sharing stories to make a difference.

Or that’s what I thought.

However when it was my turn to document my story, I resisted.

I had almost convinced myself that I was too occupied with other important things to be taking a new project.

But deep inside I knew that just wasn’t the reason.

I have always been documenting my life through social media platforms. But was I actually sharing my journey or just highlighting my destinations?

Thank you for stopping by…

This is just the beginning…I will be documenting my life for the next four years.

If you are as interested as me to watch the story unfold then do follow my story.

If you liked what you just read then don’t forget to cheer for this post..

Until next time… Keep smiling :)



My Life…My Story
My Life…My Story

Published in My Life…My Story

Documenting my life for next four years.. My Journey Towards 40.

Poonam Sahasrabuddhe
Poonam Sahasrabuddhe

Written by Poonam Sahasrabuddhe

Actor, Director, Writer, Dreamer. Love my family, love my life. Co-founder of Think Grand Films. Sharing stories that connect. Instagram-