Bibby Chung
My Life
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2018


My Resolution for 2018

Today is the beginning in 2018. I don’t update my blog for a long time. I promise I will update my blog frequently this year ^^||…Last year I quitted my job and ended my life in Shanghai. This year I’ll be a freelancer and do more others for myself. It’s a big change for me. I need to be responsible for all by myself. It’s a big challenge for this change. So…if you have any projects or good ideas, please let me know and we can do it together.

OK..I think it’s a good moment to write my new year resolution here. I reference this link that about what’s the slashie and how to make your life better. It’s a good reference to make your new year resolution. So I try to do my 2018 resolution by this.

2018 開始的第一天,這是新的開始,這 blog 有點久沒有更新了,今年不會這樣了 XD…今年的工作型態,由打工仔變為 Freelancer,這算是一個大的改變,把自己當做一個公司品牌去經營,所有的盈虧都需自負,如果大家有案子需要製作,也可跟我聯絡。另外這個 blog 之後的寫作,會用中英文一起的方式來寫作,用意是練習用英文來表達!也許一段時間後,就會看心情直接用英文或中文擇一這樣…

那廢話不多說,今天是 2018 的第一天,就寫寫我的 2018 年對自己的計畫吧!這年度計畫的製作,是參考這連結,我覺得說的很好,三個重點「以終為始、被動收入、絕對的自律」,我就以這三個點來做我的 2018 年度計畫

My Resolution for 2018

### 以終為始 ###

I want to have 1000k income this year.
- 4 business projects 250k/per.
- 4 side projects for myself.

I want to have a good English conversation.
- listening practice 45 minutes a day.
- pronounce practice 45 minutes a day.

I want to have a fit body
- exercise 40 minutes a day
- jog 1500 meters a day

I want to have 2 long term travel.
- choose one which you’re interested in as soon as possible.
- prepare the budget for this.

I want to study the knowledge of economics
- pick up two books to have basic knowledge.
- choose more references for studying.
- one hour a day

### 被動收入 ###

Taiwan Stock
- strategy
- portfolio back test

Financial Instrument(金融商品)
- survey

### 絕對的自律 ###

- eat the good food
- regular life style
- exercise 6 days a week


