Thanks for Saying Yes

January 26th, 2014

Femi Senjobi
My Love Story
3 min readNov 22, 2018


It’s Thanksgiving in some parts of the world today and one of the things I’m most grateful for is the gift of Abisola. Her addition to my life has been such a huge blessing. I can’t be grateful enough.

12 days after I made my intentions known to her, I got the best news of my life. If I remember the exact words she said over the phone it sounded much like “Uhm, for everything you said, I’ll say yes.” The ‘prophetic’ baby in me lept for joy. My smile went all around my face. This is the context of the note you are about to read.

If you’re curious to know, the twelve days were not days of dead silence as I expected. I thought I should step back and be ‘out of reach’ a bit to allow her to make an unbiased decision — a decision void of the manipulation of choking calls and texts. But Abisola won’t let me. She told me she didn’t want the awkward silence. She continued the gist as it was before I asked her out. It was weird for me. I thought when ladies take time out to ‘think about it,’ they do nothing else than to think about it.

But I think I now know why. She knew her answer all along. She just wanted to be 200% sure…

It’s being barely 12 days I poured out my heart to you, asking that you and I take on life’s journey together.

Twelve days of hope and anticipation; surprises and lessons.

At first, I thought I wouldn’t be able to bear the moment of silence that comes afterward. But I was willing to take the risk all the same; a few days, perhaps months of torment of your silence to have my heart desire forever.

Unknown to me, my dear friend: always full of surprises, took things to a whole new level. You didn’t stop being a friend. If with such a pressing issue, you could keep up the talk, I’m sure when God blesses us you’d still be a friend as much as when He tries us. If you could be nice to a friend without a commitment, I can’t wait for the days ahead-bliss!

They were indeed remarkable days. Having a foretaste of the future was fun. Slipping love between like was awesome. But as wonderful as these twelve days were, I’m willing to let it go; to press on towards better days, to embrace the days ahead. They were awesome but nothing to be compared with God’s promises.

Our path will shine brighter
Our ways, clearer
Our convictions, surer
Our love will become stronger
Our faith, deeper
Our hunger for God, more desperate
Only one thing will remain-Our God!

Thank you for giving love a chance
Thank you for letting me into your life
Thank you for hearkening to God
Thank you for saying YES
Thank God for a gift like you
I doubt if I would ever exhaust my gratitude to God.



Femi Senjobi
My Love Story

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