My Meeting Video is now Pexip

2 min readJun 12, 2019


Earlier this year, the creator of My Meeting Video, Videxio, merged with Pexip. As a result, the My Meeting Video web, desktop and mobile apps will all be rebranded to Pexip.

These changes will give our product a more modern look and create a seamless user experience across all of our products. In addition, they will make the process of sending in-app news and training even simpler to help you get the most out of the service.

What will change

  • The name of the apps (from My Meeting Video to Pexip)
  • The colors (from red to dark blue)
  • The app icons (from a cloud to brackets)
  • Some colors inside the apps (red buttons will become dark blue)
  • The font used inside the apps

When it will change

This transition will take place in two phases so you can gradually get used to the changes. Starting today, you’ll notice a new name of the app and a new color. In the future, you will see the fully-branded app named Pexip.

Here is what the app icon on your phone will look like in each phase:

All of the features and functionality will stay the same. In addition, all of these updates will happen automatically, so you do not need to take any action. Just be aware that you will see

changes in the branding and naming of the service. And don’t panic, all links to existing meetings will keep working and be redirected.

As always, please feel free to share questions and feedback with

