One Question for Everyday

Mustafa ilhan
My MFA Log
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2015

For my thesis studies, I declare myself a challenge that I will ask a question for every day. I could be able to continue this challenge for one month. Here are the questions.

18.July.2014 Is there any routine of social media? If exists what are they?

19.July.2014 What is the similarities and differences between pattern, routine, habit?

20.July.2014 When defining something how much we use its routine? (Definitions of the patterns? It is about the how we create meaning or express something.)

21.July.2014 How can we sure about the existence of a particular pattern? What if it has a different pattern on the big scale? (Pattern inside of pattern like fractals)

A signal may be carried by an AM or FM radio wave.

22.July.2014 As in nature, does recycling take place in the virtual world(digital space)? If so how?

23.July.2014 Are there any destructive forces like earthquake, storm, tornado in the digital space? These forces not only destroy but also create an opportunity for the new.

24.July.2014 Routinization of works better for whom? People or machines?

25.July.2014 What are the biggest problems of the middle class (or bourgeois)?

26.July.2014 In the digital space (or social media) what type of distinctions (or categorizations) exists? (class based, age, gender, location, any other?)

27.July.2014 Bitcoin is a payment network and a new kind of money. It is a decentralized virtual currency or digital currency. Now there is an ATM for Bitcoin. How should we interpret the digital currency Bitcoin’s ATM, compared to the other (physical) currencies? In other words, how should we interpret the existence of digitally or virtually created things in physical space?

28.July.2014 How would it be to code for nature instead of human?

29.July.2014 There are books named as question bank for student selection examinations (ÖSS, LGS). On the internet can FAQs be considered as question bank? Possibly selection/elimination exams are the densest moments of the dealing with the questions.

30.July.2014 In which book there are most questions? (there are lots of question answer sites like Quora, StackOverflow, etc.)

31.July.2014 What is the type of most erased data format or content in PCs? (Movie, jpeg, document, etc.)

01.August.2014 What is most photographed place in the world? Or filmed? Or most photographed person? — It is a search for the effect of repetition.

02.August.2014 Can any relationship be established between the making meal and knowledge production? Is there any path like data -> information -> knowledge for meal? ( resource -> experience or countless experiments -> meal)

03.August.2014 How can we catch (or realize) change? (e.g. from same the point watch something for a time.)

04.August.2014 Why do we ask questions? What is the place of the question in communication? What is the effect of frequency of asking questions to the communication? (The effects of culture of asking questions or dive into the questioning culture among the different societies.)

05.August.2014 How should we understand people that have an answer for every question? Why do we avoid from answering questions? What is the relationship between questions and reality?

06.August.2014 Food culture (culinary culture) of one society will tell us how that society combines things to produce tastes. With the help of this idea, are techniques used during cooking also used in other areas such as literature?

07.August.2014 What are the most repeated things during the whole day in my life? And what are the importance of them?

08.August.2014 Are (some of the) repetitive things is vital? If so is the reason of vitality repetitiveness?

09.August.2014 Consider Boléro which a one-movement orchestral piece by Maurice Ravel. A melody is repeated during the all piece and it is played by different instruments in the orchestra. Or look at the Escher’s works repeated things and their metamorphosis. What can be extracted looking these type of piece of artworks? (the nature of repetition or the use of it?)

10.August.2014 What if all these television programs, articles surveys do not exist what do we think about the elections? How much would it take seriously? Do we decide our choice freely or alone? Or how much are our choices important?

11.August.2014 Elections done by alone or cumulative give more responsibility to the people? (Actually difference between deciding alone or together.)

12.August.2014 The significance of the elections come from where? From a single person’s decision or many people?

13.August.2014 Well, what are the most significant choices in my life? What are most frequent situations that make to choose? Can I create my own preference instead of given ones?

14.August.2014 Do I have options that I created for any choice?

15.August.2014 Is there any relationship between patterns and choices?

16.August.2014 What are most photographed moments of families or friends? Graduation ceremony, marriage, birth?

17.August.2014 What are factors that increase the diversity? What are factors that decrease the diversity?

18.August.2014 If you have a chance to ask question to someone whom will you ask and what will you ask? This is actually inspired from a scene of Fight Club. Tyler Durden asks to narrator that “If you have change to fight, whom will you fight?”

How much can you know about yourself, if you’ve never been in a fight?

The very first person will be myself.

