
Michael Gillett
My Microsoft Life
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2017

When Microsoft announced the Creators Update last year the feature that stood out to me the most was MyPeople; it stood out because it was the feature I could see myself using the most. Sure, the 3D features look awesome and the Holographic shell will be great but I have no current need for 3D and don’t have a VR headset. I do however have people with whom I communicate frequently.

Yesterday when announcing the latest Windows Insider build, 15014, Microsoft also revealed that the MyPeople feature has been postponed until RS3 and will not be arriving with the Creators Update.

Yes its a shame that this new useful feature won’t be coming soon but I find myself not too disappointed.

The only real reasons I can think of for the postponement are:

  • the feature is too unreliable
  • in its current form it doesn’t deliver the ease of use and efficiencies it should
  • there aren’t enough apps that integrate with it

For the first two reasons I’m quite happy for this not to feature in the Creators Update, if its the latter then the postponement wouldn’t be cool at all.

But here’s the thing, we grumble *a lot* to Microsoft about the instability of the production version of Windows and/or some of its features and yet now that Microsoft have announced they’re not releasing a new feature, presumably on stability grounds, we also grumble about that.

It could be argued that Microsoft should only reveal the features that are 100% going to make it in the next update. That would be a valid point to make. It would also be a point that I disagree with.

I will always want to know what Microsoft plans, and maybe hopes, to ship in the next update. If they don’t deliver all of the plan I am pretty certain that the will try everything to get it done. It must have been a tough decision to postpone this feature. Can you imagine how annoying and embarrassing it must be for the world’s biggest software maker not to be able to deliver software when it says it will? Perhaps more could have been done sooner but at the time that probably didn’t make sense.

So sure, its a real shame that MyPeople is postponed until later this year but when it arrives it should be superior to what it would be if released now. Maybe the Creators Update is less interesting because of it but I'd prefer a stable Windows over a feature packed broken Windows.

MyPeople better be great in RS3, postponing MyPeople once is a shame, twice would be farcical.



Michael Gillett
My Microsoft Life

Windows Insider MVP (MVP since 2012) | Lead Web Dev based in Camden, London