My Monthly Sports Minute: Am I Still Trying to “Be Like Mike?” #10

ZeNai Brooks
My Monthly Sports Minute
2 min readMay 27, 2020

My Monthly Sports Minute: Am I Still Trying to “Be Like Mike?” #10

If you would have asked me 20 years ago, even 10, my answer would’ve been an emphatic NO, probably with a four letter word in front. Full disclosure, I am from Indianapolis, home of the Indiana Pacers. I wanted nothing to do with the Chicago Bulls or their beloved Michael Jordan. It was only recently that I’ve grown to pay attention, not only to MJ the basketball player, but to Michael Jordan, the man.

In high school I played three sports. Competition is in my nature. Even now in my adult-ish years I keep it going by running, lifting weights and even Spartan races! All that said, as an athlete, there are inherent attributes that I have in common with MJ. Discipline. Determination. Desire to win. Competition.

Watching ESPN’s “The Last Dance,” however, gave me a different level of respect and appreciation for his leadership. Two things he said really stuck with me: “Winning has a price.” “Leadership has a price.”

When MJ was asked how people perceive him (being fully aware that characteristics like mean or arrogant were often attached to his name), he explained that he never asked his teammates to do anything he didn’t do. No one outworked Mike. He went on to note that other people wouldn’t understand his personality or his intensity because they never won anything.

In that moment my respect was solidified. In that moment I realized, wow, maybe I do want to “be like Mike.” Not just in sports, but in other areas of life.

I work hard.

I want to win.

I want those that I lead to win.

I want those around me to win.

It may not always be nice and pretty and buttoned up with other niceties, but I know what it takes to win. I know how it feels to win. I want others to experience that winning feeling as well!

Sometimes the price of winning is high. Sometimes the price of leadership is high. Jesus Christ was the ultimate example of paying a high price so that we could ultimately win. And, with that example, I can do ALL things through Him! (Phil 4:13, NKJV)

For more tips on living like Christ, check out my blog:

Also, follow me on social media: FB, IG and Twitter: @LadyZSpeaks

