My Monthly Sports Minute: Am I Still Trying to “Be Like Mike?” #12

Frank Scott
My Monthly Sports Minute
2 min readJun 1, 2020

My Monthly Sports Minute: Am I Still Trying to “Be Like Mike?” #12

I remember being just 5 years old. It was a Sunday. I watched Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls play on TV. Immediately after the game ended, I went outside and attempted my first shot on my family’s basketball goal.

I truly wanted to “be like Mike.”

From age 5 to 18, I was on an organized basketball team. I tried to imitate everything MJ did. I stuck out my tongue “like Mike.” I wore a wrist band half way up my arm “like Mike.” I felt I was on my way to being just “like Mike.”

In high school, I made varsity as a sophomore and even ended up becoming a starter. But, soon after, reality hit!!!! I was done growing and I was only 5 feet 8 inches tall. It’s hard to be “like Mike” when you can’t even touch the rim.

Given my height, I grew to admire other characteristics that defined Mike. Characteristics above and beyond his athletic ability. His competitive nature. His work ethic. His passion for the game. They are all UNMATCHED. Mike had an ability to get the best out of each and every player that was on his team.

Now, I am a high school coach and a youth minster. As a high school coach, I use the game of football to teach my players life lessons. As a youth minister, I want to show youth the passion and desire that I have to be a servant of God.

So, I guess in some ways you can say I am still trying to be “like Mike.”
I’m trying to lead the players I coach and the people I come in contact with to be champions in life and champions for Christ!!!!!!!

— Frank Scott

You can follow me on Twitter: @CoachFscott18 or Instagram: @fscott6312



Frank Scott
My Monthly Sports Minute

Child of God, Husband, Father, Coach, Educator, Mentor, former college and professional baseball player