My Monthly Sports Minute: Am I Still Trying to “Be Like Mike?” #3

Bobby L. Elam
My Monthly Sports Minute
2 min readMay 14, 2020

My Monthly Sports Minute: Am I Still Trying to “Be Like Mike?” #3

Am I still trying to “be like Mike?”

That was never my goal. My love was football. So, I wanted to be like “Prime Time.” Deion Sanders that is, arguably the best defensive back of all-time.

Imagine going to your first football camp (shout out to Martin Bayless!) and being slightly too big, but strutting down the field trying to be like Deion Sanders. That was my thing. Although I was never big on playing basketball, I still consider myself to be a casual fan. So, over these last few weeks, watching “The Last Dance” has allowed me to put a few things into perspective.

Although I was never trying to “be like Mike” on the basketball court, being successful at life meant being a little “like Mike.” In life, we also aim to win championships, but obviously our championships look different from person to person. For me, my championships are my family and my job. I push myself to the limit to ensure that my family is loved, protected, and supported.

Like having a family, being an educator also presents new challenges every day. I ask myself daily: Did I make my students better at math? I leave “no stone unturned” to make sure that I’m constructing the best classroom experience for my students. Meaning, I give it my all at work “like Mike.”

So yeah, in basketball, I wasn’t trying to “be like Mike,” but I learned some valuable life lessons from him. To be great at life, you may have to take a few losses before you reach greatness.

— Bobby Elam #50



Bobby L. Elam
My Monthly Sports Minute

Husband, Father, Mathelete, Retired High School Football Player, “Recreational” Softball Player