My Monthly Sports Minute: Bringing Basketball Back & Battling COVID

Imani Dixon
My Monthly Sports Minute
2 min readJul 31, 2020

The thing that I love the most, next to God, was shut down due to COVID-19. I mean basketball.

My whole life revolves around basketball so this was devastating news to me. I am currently playing overseas and the last part of our season got cancelled. My first year being a professional athlete has had its ups and downs and COVID-19 was definitely one of those. The basketball career that I worked so hard for could have disappeared in a matter of days because of this worldwide pandemic. My hopes of going home to visit were gone because of the travel ban. I could go back home to California, but will I be able to get back to Germany for my next season? This was my biggest concern, which caused me to stay in Germany. It’s almost been a year since I’ve last seen my family. The things we do for sports right?

I was excited to hear about the NBA and WNBA reopening, but honestly it doesn’t make much sense to me. Being a huge fan of the NBA, I think our health and this worldwide pandemic is much more important. And trust me, I want to see basketball back in action just as much as anyone else.

Here in Germany, when COVID-19 first hit hard, the government had strict policies. Quarantine. No travel. No open restaurants. No open entertainment venues. If you did travel on public transportation, you HAD TO wear your mask or fines were issued. Now, COVID-19 is at its lowest numbers and people are back on the streets living a “normal” life. The mask rule still applies; however, most things are open. Things are much better and have improved much faster than in the U.S, where the virus is at an all-time high.

I survived COVID-19 in another country and it was worth the stay. My club team earned a spot to play in a higher league and I get to play against much better competition. Our season doesn’t start until later this year. But, as of now, we get to have a season — thank God! Sometimes dreams come with sacrifice, especially if God has it written for you. I’m glad I stayed overseas and I’m getting another year to fulfill my dream — by playing the sport I love at the professional level.

— Imani Dixon



Imani Dixon
My Monthly Sports Minute

Professional basketball player/Coach/ B.S/ Masters Degree.