My Monthly Sports Minute: Much More Than Just Athletes

Leroy Long III
My Monthly Sports Minute
3 min readAug 7, 2020

I admire athletes at all levels — from youth leagues to the pros. Their IQ, teamwork, communication, and leadership skills are undervalued. In youth leagues, the joy athletes display is contagious. For high school and college student-athletes, their time-management skills are unmatched. At the professional rank, athletes have an endless work ethic. I could go on and on.

But, across all sports levels, they are much more than just athletes or entertainers.

Athletes are so much more.

They are special and invaluable.

Athletes are human. They are daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, and friends. Countless athletes are cultured, educated, and well traveled. A lot of them are business savvy. Some athletes are artistic. Many of the world’s most popular athletes are Black.

LeBron James is a great example of a world-renowned Black athlete who not only says he is "more than an athlete," but his actions show it represents his lifestyle. Although he is most famous for his legendary NBA career, he has a balanced life as a husband, father, diverse businessman, social activist, and the founder of a STEM school.

Maya Moore is another good example. Not only is she a WNBA player, but she is a vocal Christian, a criminal justice reformer, and a partner of charitable organizations. Maya even took a two-year sabbatical from basketball, during the prime of her career, to help free a Black man who was unjustly sentenced to prison for 50 years.

Muhammad Ali was my earliest example of an iconic figure who was much more than just an athlete. He was a husband, father, social activist, and philanthropist too. I remember learning how he also sacrificed prime years of his career — to stand up for his religious and moral beliefs — by going to jail instead of fighting in the Vietnam War. He certainly paved the way for LeBron James, Maya Moore, and other recent social justice heros in sports like Colin Kaepernick.

As I said in my last post, I’m an avid fan of the NBA, but I do believe athletes are much more than entertainers. They are advocating for both social and racial justice. They are refusing to just keep quiet and play their sports. I’m with them, while putting in work as an academic not an athlete. Teaching, research, and service are my way. I’m blessed to have the support of student-athletes — on my research team — who are pursuing rigorous majors in STEM while playing college sports. They too are much more than just athletes.

I’ll continue to use my platforms to speak up and speak out, while advocating for the “least.” It’s time to get into more “good trouble.”

“But let justice roll down like waters,
 and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” Amos 5:24

— Leroy Long III, PhD

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Leroy Long III
My Monthly Sports Minute

Husband | Educator | Artist | Author | Believer | Proverbs 3:5–6 |