My Monthly Sports Minute: Sports Advice for College Athletes

Imani Dixon
My Monthly Sports Minute
2 min readSep 29, 2020

What’s one thing every former college athlete wants to tell current student-athletes?

“Never take your time in school for granted.”

I always wish I could go back to those “college days.” If you’re a former college athlete like me, don’t you? The 6 am workouts, individuals, weights, and study hall. It all seemed like hell back then. Now, I often find myself reminiscing about “the college athlete struggle.”

Some student-athletes have it better than others. Division I (D1) athletes have the luxury of having an academic advisor, who makes sure they enroll in all the correct classes. NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) players have to navigate and figure things out for themselves. That was me.

I realize I can’t go back to those “college days,” but I can offer some advice to current college athletes. So, here are some things I wish I knew back then:

  1. Never take a scholarship for granted. I left my full-ride athletic scholarship because the school and basketball program wasn’t the right fit for me. I decided to attend a private NAIA school, which caused me to take out large loans. My passion for basketball was just that strong. Then again, I didn’t really know what a loan was and I thought to myself, it’s okay…at least you get to be happy and hoop. Now, I’m in tons of debt because of my choice to change schools. But, you live and you learn.
  2. You can’t base all decisions on money because your mental health is much more important.
  3. Like my dad always tells me, “Enjoy the journey, and don’t be in a rush.” College is the time when you will learn the most about yourself. Forgive yourself and don’t rush the process. Why are you in such a hurry to become an adult and finish college? After college is over, then comes “adulting,” and, let me tell you, it isn’t everything everyone makes it out to be on social media or TV.
  4. Eat healthy and take care of your body! I can’t express this enough!

— Imani Dixon, pro hooper and former college athlete



Imani Dixon
My Monthly Sports Minute

Professional basketball player/Coach/ B.S/ Masters Degree.