Oh, you believe in tolerance. Cool, my religion has that too

C. Louis S.
The compass that guides my soul
1 min readNov 28, 2016

I’m so thrilled you’ve taken up a religion. I’ve heard some things about it …

Your religion preaches about privilege.

My religion has that too. It’s called gratitude and humility and service and charity.

Your religion preaches about tolerance and acceptance for everyone.

My religion has that too. It’s called charity and loving others as yourself.

Your religion has a community and gatherings.

Believe me, my religion has that. We meet about 137 times per week.

Your religion has manifestos.

My religion has that too. We call ’em scriptures. They’ve been around since the dawn of humankind.

You are the collective god of your religion. You worship your own ideals.

My God is an all-powerful, all-loving supreme being.

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