3 Ways Preparing For A Fitness Competition Changed My Life

How preparing for a fitness competition helped teach me to get more from all aspects of my life.

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
3 min readNov 6, 2017


The life of a fitness model can be a bit of a whirlwind, but I still have to tie my shoes.

Competing in bikini fitness competitions as a hobby has meant that I am in the best shape of my life.

I am fitter, healthier and stronger than I have ever been. It’s also an opportunity that has taught me great life lessons that I would love to share with you.

It may be primarily a fitness goal, but it has changed my everyday life in so many ways; ways you wouldn’t expect.

1. I’m more open to new experiences and opportunities

After spending so long concentrating on getting on stage, I now find myself open to so many new experiences, new opportunities, new tastes.

When preparing for a competition, you can feel as though you are ‘losing out' on things — life can feel miniature when you’re ultra focused on a goal, but it teaches you to appreciate all that life can offer you.

I say ‘yes' to things I may have never even thought of trying before, because my fitness goals keep me so focused for so many weeks of the year.

Why say no to new things, there’s no reason!

2. I don’t make excuses, I make things happen

The biggest lesson I have unexpectedly learned from competing, and I now apply to everyday life is never doubting my ability to take action.

I get things done even if I don’t feel like doing them.

I no longer make excuses for my actions — competing means you sometimes find yourself having to workout when you aren’t motivated; you want to consume treats, but it goes against your diet; you feel like socialising, but you need to workout — so many scenarios pop up, and there is no room for excuses.

I just don’t find myself making excuses anymore. Complaining and procrastinating take up more time than just sucking it up and getting things done, and tackling the less exciting stuff first gets it out of the way instead of dreading it all day!

3. I manage my time better, and get more done

My ability to organise my life comes so much easier to me now. Sure, I was always organised, but now, time doesn’t scare me.

If I get tasked with something urgent in my day job, I am far less overwhelmed that I used to be, because I trust I know how to manage my time.

When competing is a priority, I have had to learn how to prioritise my time to make it work— weights at the gym, food preparation, recovery, posing practice, cardio, the list goes on — and I have had to ensure I have time to do it all, while maintaining a full-time job.

Managing time is a lifelong skill that I have now mastered, and I owe that to my fitness competitions.

Life leads you to learn unexpected things, in the least likely of places, and that is just what competing has done for me.

I find my life has changed for the better because I have chosen to explore the fitness competition world, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I hope that by sharing these lessons with you that I motivate or inspire you to chase that thing you’re always thinking about!

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!