Beat Your Snacking Troubles To The Curb!

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2018

Mindlessly snacking is a form of overeating, and it can quickly sabotage your fitness goals fast. I have 5 tips for you today that can help you put a stop to overeating, and learn from my past mistakes. I turned my habits around, and so can you!

We all struggle with something when it comes to dieting. For me, it’s snacking. I always find that I feel a need to chomp even when I am not hungry. I am a strong believer in tracking food intake, as you all know, and this is what led me to realise what I was doing. Mindlessly snacking is a form of overeating, and it can quickly sabotage your fitness goals fast.

I have 5 tips for you today that can help you put a stop to overeating, and learn from my past mistakes. I turned my habits around, and so can you!

1. Split Your Meals

Break your meals into 2 smaller portions. Eat one portion, and then wait 30 minutes and eat the other — and only do this if you’re still hungry. We overeat without knowing that is what we do sometimes because we THINK we need that much food. You’d be surprised how satisfied your feel after that first meal.

2. Drink Water

Drink a big glass of water before you eat. Simple, but effective. Your stomach isn’t empty when you do this, you kill your thirst, and it stops you from eating when you are actually thirsty instead. Sometimes you don’t need to eat, your body is actually craving water. Helps stop those hunger pangs when you’re not actually hungry.

3. Eat Your Food Cravings AFTER Your Meal

Don’t fill up on silly, non-nutrient dense foods you crave before you eat a meal. Chances are you’ll forget about it once you have eaten anyway, trust me! The same applies to shopping; DON’T do it hungry! You’ll end up with things you don’t want or need, and you’ll set your goals back by consuming them mindlessly.

4. Sit Down To Eat

It is a small thing, but sit down at a table to eat your meal. It is a part of practicing mindful consumption of food. Also eat with a set of utensils, and place them on the table after every bite. This action stops you from not only over-consuming, but also eating too fast. Both of these things when prevented can stop you from ‘wolfing’ down your food and assist in propelling you towards your goals, not away from them.

5. Eat Protein & Veggies At Every Meal

… and eat them first! Yes you heard me, eat your protein and vegetables FIRST, before you consume your carbs. Why? Well, carbs fill you up fast, no doubt about it, and you’re probably leaving the more micro nutrient dense and more fibrous food on your plate. By starting with the veges and protein, you’re fueling your muscles with the nutrients it needs for energy. This is only going to help you in the long run.

It isn’t too much to ask of yourself. Small tweaks to your meal consumption habits can, and will make a very big difference to your outcome. You may find that, by controlling your over-eating like this, you slowly see the results you have been craving — you probably didn’t even realise (much like me), that you were even doing it! If by passing on my learning, you change 1 habit and are taken closer to your goals, then my mistakes were worth sharing. Let us know if you’d like more tips and tricks like this, we’d love to hear from you!



When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!