Dieting over the holiday period

My Muscle Chef
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2015

The holiday season is undoubtedly a time to celebrate with those nearest and dearest and generally speaking the celebrations center around food. And certainly not the clean kind.

Personally, I think it’s really important to enjoy a break from your diet even just for the day or for a meal. I think the sociable side of things is not only rewarding to us but also rewarding to our friends and family who finally get to stuff you with their creations of caramel slice and creamy potato bake.

My biggest pieces of advice will be to make sure your cheats are planned festivities. This should be pretty easy considering family or friends will need to give you ample notice around the holiday season.

Secondly, to avoid over indulging and therefore experiencing the dreaded ‘cheat hangover’ of regret I recommend eating a good nutritious meal before any festivities. Personally I’d go for a high protein, low fat and low carb option because you’ll certainly be hitting those macros later! So opt for something like Barramundi and Veggies or Chicken and Veggies. Both are high protein, low fat and low carb and made fresh by the My Muscle Chef crew!

Happy holidays,


