Find Fat Loss Success — Without Counting Calories!

Calorie counting is not the only way to see results — you have a handy tool right on your arm… you guessed it, your HAND!

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
2 min readOct 12, 2018


Guess what folks?

You don’t need to count calories all the time to see weight loss success!

I have been getting a lot of questions lately about other methods of reaching health and fitness goals, without number crunching.

You know what? Calorie counting is not the only way to see results — you have a handy tool right on your arm… you guessed it, your HAND!

This blog is going to take you through some handy tips (excuse the pun, it was intended) so that you can feel confident putting down that macro or calorie tracker, and just eat without the numbers.

#1 — Protein portions

The key here is to use your palm.

One palm portion is about the right size for anyone.

Your palm is a fantastic tool for when you don’t want to be using or referring to numbers. Just match your protein amount to the size of your palm, and you’re good to go!

#2 — Fat portions

Thumbs are cool, right? In this case they are!

Fat portions should be the size of your thumb.

It isn’t fool proof (because who measures their thumb?!) but you can see that it’s about a tablespoon size. Keep that in mind.

#3 — Vege portions

Don’t go punching anyone, but your fist here is your best friend.

Can’t go wrong with a fist full of veggies!

Vegetables are always going to be welcome in any meal, but if you’re not into measuring in numbers, your fist is a great indicator.

It will help guide you into a a decent portion of nutrient dense veggies on every plate, which is all you can ask for really.

My Muscle Chef have an entire menu that has counted those calories for you of course, so you needn’t worry at all, but the Chef has carefully given you portion sizes that fit the meal you’ve chosen.

Whatever your goals, My Muscle Chef have all of the information you need to make the right choice for you. Small, medium or large, you can bet these little tricks have been applied.



When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!