Get A Great Workout, No Gear Needed

I am here to remind you that you can achieve your fitness goals without having to live at the gym or spend all your cash!

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
3 min readAug 1, 2018


Sometimes, all we need is to be told that our workouts won’t take all afternoon, that we don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn to succeed, or that we don’t even need to join a gym!

I am here to remind you that you can achieve your goals without having to be a fit fanatic with all of these things.

I am always preaching the idea that we’re all individuals, and we need to find what works for each of us. It’s so true, and you can do well and achieve your goals without all of the products you see on social media.

You don’t have to feel tortured to get out of bed if it doesn’t suit your schedule, and you don’t need to spend a fortune.

Just USE what you have, with a few added extras, and see what you can achieve!

First workout of the batch is an arm pump! I love arms day at the gym; always leaves me feeling satisfied, but not too exhausted (they are a tiny muscle group after all) — however, you don’t even need a gym to keep your arms up to scratch.

Here are a few of my favourites to keep your guns firing, and all you need is a yoga mat and some space.

10x shoulder taps

Start in a plank position, and carefully take one arm up and tap the opposite shoulder (while keeping yourself braced and balanced with your other arm). Do this with the other side, and continuously tap for 10 reps each side.

10x downward dog push-ups

Start in a plank position, and do a push-up, immediately moving yourself carefully into a downward dog position after completing 1 push-up. Continuously do this until you have reached a total of 10 reps. You will find both your arms, shoulders and back get a workout and stretch.

20x swimmers

Just as it sounds, you’re going to swim on the ground! Lie on your stomach and slowly raise both your feet and upper body off the ground (slightly). Like you were paddling, keep both your legs and arms outstretched and slowly “kick” your arms and legs. You will naturally feel a bit silly, but after a few reps, your core will be firing, and so will your arms!

It is just the start of the things you can do to workout anywhere, anytime, with no equipment and on your own terms.

Honestly, I can’t remind you all enough — there is no one right way to be “fit” or “healthy”.

You CAN achieve some pretty extraordinary things without spending a fortune on fancy equipment, being frozen on Winter mornings, or even being in a gym!

Just be consistent, persistent and get it done, no matter what takes your fancy.

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!