Hack Your Mornings: Get Up, Work Out!

How to get yourself up & ready for an AM workout sesh.

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
2 min readNov 15, 2018


When I find I don’t have time in my day to breathe (let alone workout!), I get up in the morning to gym.

It has become second nature not to even question it. I make the time and just get out of bed and do it… I am very aware that this is not the norm!

So it got me thinking; what do I do to make it so easy for myself? When did hitting the snooze button become a thing I just didn’t do, and how do I keep springing out of bed every day that I plan too?

If you’re struggling to get to the gym in the evening, and want to ensure you bounce out of bed in the AM hours instead, here are a few pointers that I have adopted over time that may help you get moving.

Stay Accountable

No-one wants to bail on a friend, right? Well, assign someone to be your accountability buddy. Someone who is willing to workout with you and is just as likely to need YOU to stay accountable.

When someone else is relying on you, there is no better motivation to get up out of bed and get moving!

Alarm Clock Trickery

I know you’ve all heard it before, but have you tried it? Put your alarm on the OTHER SIDE of the room!

Not just a little further away so you can still reach it if you stretch, I mean entirely somewhere else so you must get up on your feet to turn it off.

Works a treat, because once your feet hit the floor, you’re already up — that’s half the battle!

Pre-pay Your Personal Trainer

Got a PT? Make sure you pre-pay.

Chances are you are going to try and talk yourself out of a session early in the AM, for whatever excuse you can muster up (been there, trust me!).

If you have already forked out the cash, well, you will think twice about bailing on a session. Who wants to waste dollars like that?

It doesn’t take too much effort to set yourself up for success in the morning.

Honestly, I know it can be daunting, but you do get used to it, and after a while, you don’t need the tricks.


Because they become daily habits, and you find yourself motivated without the need for a push.

It just takes a few weeks of ensuring you stick to your routine, and BAM. You’ll be smashing out AM workouts like a pro in no time.

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!