How I Train Quads: Ryan Kennely

My Muscle Chef
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2014

I prefer to split training my quad and hamstrings to different days as I am able to dedicate more energy to each of them

Example Training Routine

  • Warm up with body weight walking lunges followed by light weighted squats to warm up the knees.
  • Squats 4 x 8–10 reps.
  • 45 degree leg press 3 x 10 reps.
  • Bulgarians 3 x 10 reps.
  • Barbell Walking lunges 4 x 10 steps each leg.

The Build Up

I find quad training to be as mentally draining as it is physically. I tend to have it in the back of mind all day, slowly preparing myself for the task I’ll have in front of me that afternoon.

I never miss meals on quad day and make sure my carb intake is high to ensure maximum energy for the session.


When I am training, I don’t usually focus on how much I lift, rather the way it is being lifted. As long as I am contracting the muscle to its fullest extend and filling the muscle with as much blood as possible, I am happy. In saying that, I would recommend applying the ‘progressive overload’ technique to ensure you always putting your body under enough stress to help it grow.


I am quite strict with my nutrition usually, though really make sure it is perfect pre and post quad training. I eat a high carb meal pre and post (usually basmati rice and chicken or fish).

Having a great set of quads on stage can really set bodybuilders apart.

Ryan Kennely

Ryan is one of the best natural bodybuilders in Australia winning the Junior Mr Universe, Junior Mr Australia and 2 overall titles.

