How To Drink More Water & Hydrate Like A Champ

Feeling thirsty right now? Bad news: it’s already too late.

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
3 min readMay 16, 2018


Dehydration could be dragging your fitness goals downhill without you even knowing it.

Feeling thirsty right now? Bad news: it’s already too late.

Your body is crying out for water because it is already dehydrated. We need water, every single day, and most of us don’t drink enough.

I have been guilty of this, but I have changed my habits. It was easier said than done, but I want to share with you what routine I followed to get me drinking the H20 on the regular.

Try it for yourself and experience the improvements!

6.00am — 8.00am: Start the day right

Drink 2 cups before you eat breakfast— it eliminates toxins, kick starts your metabolism and stimulates your digestive system. All of these things you don’t realise you can do before you have even taken a bite!

A simple few glasses of water can set your body up for more efficient burning of fuel throughout the day.

9.00am — 11.00am: Off to a good start

Drink 2 more cups within this time. When you start to feel peckish, drink some water before reaching for a snack. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing, drinking more water at morning tea time can only benefit your day.

11.00am — 12.00pm: Midday top up

Drink another glass of water before lunch. It will fill you up a little and keep your skin plump, especially if you’re working in an office. Drinking water has an abundance of benefits!

12:00pm — 2:00pm: A perfect afternoon pick me up

Starting to feel like an afternoon snooze? Drink a glass or two of water, and make it cold! It will wake you up and get you through that afternoon slump.

2:00pm — 4:00pm: Keep up the good work

Keep drinking, even if you want a snack instead. Before grabbing that late arvo snack (let’s be honest, it’s probably chocolate or sweets), drink a glass. Chances are you’re not hungry, you’re thirsty!

4:00pm — 6:00pm: Late evening refill

Drink again before dinner. You’re nearing the end of the day, and have left the office, so be sure to drink up before hitting a meal, or worse, another sweet snack you don’t really need.

7:00pm — Bedtime: Final drops before sleep

Room temperature water is best at this time, but don’t drink too much. 2 glasses will do so your sleep remains undisturbed. Cold water will wake you up, and you don’t want that. Tap water is a good choice late at night.

Final thoughts

Make drinking water a habit. Like all of your habits, you need to work on them until they become part of your daily life, so don’t give up too soon!

Stick to this routine everyday for 30 days and watch your water drinking become just a thing you do everyday, without thinking. The general health benefits are endless, so get cracking!

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!