How’re Those Goals Going?

July is a great time to stop, reflect, and give yourself a goal checkup.

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
2 min readJul 3, 2018


We’re done with June, so that means 2018 is halfway done.

How are you feeling about the goals you set this year? If you feel as though you have lost sight of your goals, July is a great time to stop, reflect, and give yourself a goal checkup.

It is the perfect time to look back and celebrate what you have already achieved, but also a time to ensure you pick up those forgotten goals you set, or re-start the ones you gave up on… because, let’s be honest…there is always one or two we find to be too hard, or too ambitious.

Did you forget about that ‘important’ goal?

It’s important not to forget about your resolutions for the year. Take the time now to re-write them in a place that you can see on a daily basis.

I keep mine in my diary, on the “month view” page of every month in the year — yes, EVERY month. I don’t leave it to chance, and you know what, I haven’t forgotten what I want to achieve when the year is up.

It works to keep me on track, so perhaps it will also work for you.

Keep rolling with the punches.

That’s right — it isn’t always going to go to plan. Life throws you pretty funny lessons to learn that you just can’t plan for.

You have to tell yourself to move forward and ‘roll with it’ sometimes.

Perhaps something stopped your from taking that leap, or you were caught off guard and haven’t quite started that goal yet — take the time now to reassess what is stopping you, and just ‘roll with it’. You never know what could happen!

Adjust your plan.

Perhaps you took on too much and haven’t quite nailed the plan. Now is a good time to put small stepping stones into place to get you moving on those goals, and have you well on your way by the end of the year.

Small steps give you an opportunity to take things at a reasonable pace, but also offer small wins. It’s good to stop and celebrate along the way, and you never know.

The next 6 months could see you smash things you never thought you could. All it takes is a careful plan.

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!