I lost 20kg & went down 3 shirt sizes in 12 weeks

Aaron wasn’t happy with the way he looked, & when asked to be best man for a wedding he knew it was time to do something about it.

Ashleigh EG.
My Muscle Chef
4 min readJul 17, 2017


As much as Aaron enjoyed cooking, after his daughter was born he couldn’t find the time or motivation to be prepared.

Aaron wasn’t happy with the way he looked, & when asked to be best man for a wedding he knew it was time to do something about it. This is his incredible transformation.

I got the call up to be best man for a wedding, and knowing I wasn’t happy with where I was at physically I decided it was time to do something about it.

Using My Muscle Chef made my decision so easy to stick to. The Parmesan Crumbed Chicken and Pesto Chicken with Pasta meals were my favourites - I found I actually looked forward to my meals rather than turn my nose up at them.

The wedding has come and gone, I got through all my best man commitments full of confidence and I’m actually pretty stoked with how I was able to look in the photos.

The hardest part was getting started in the first place.

I’d developed some pretty ordinary eating habits after the birth of my daughter. Both myself and Alli are really time poor and as much as I enjoy cooking, I couldn’t find the time or motivation to be prepared.

Other than that, once the weight started falling off me, it was hard to keep up with my decreasing size. My work issued uniform looked baggy as hell and they couldn’t provide smaller sizes fast enough. I went down 3 shirt sizes and from 112 waist pants to 97s. Not a bad problem to have.

Parmesan Crumbed Chicken with Corn Mash & Green Peas; one of Aaron’s favourite meals.

The most surprising thing was how easy it was to stick to once I got going.

The meals made it really easy. I actually looked at them as if they were a cheat meal. Healthy eating has a stigma that if it's healthy it has to taste like crap — the meals from My Muscle Chef definitely helped change that idea!

I definitely want to continue losing weight and getting fitter.

What’s next for me is just continuing along the path I’ve been going. I don’t need to go as hard or strict, but I definitely want to continue losing weight and getting fitter. I went pretty hard during the 12 weeks, but now, if I want to have a couple of beers with some mates or a pizza on a weekend i’ll do it.

I’m currently 108kg down from nearly 129. I want to float somewhere between 100–105, but be happier with my appearance. I will incorporate weights into my exercise, tone up, and increase my fitness levels and muscle mass. I’m 6ft 2 and have never been small, even at my fittest.

A mate mentioned that he was getting your meals and loved them

Maybe 12 months ago, a mate I was working with at the time mentioned that he was getting your meals and loved them. They always smelt good, but I was too busy being a fatty.

When it actually came time to get my own meals delivered, I did a bit of research online and found My Muscle Chef had the best delivery options available.

Aaron before & after his incredible weight loss.

A lot of the other providers only had pick up options that aren’t always the most convenient. My Muscle Chef is also very well priced compared to others — they were the best option for us and the rest is history!

For the first 6–8 weeks it was strictly diet based changes

In regards to exercise, for the first 6–8 weeks it was strictly diet based.

I’m up on my feet all day every day anyway in a reasonably active role, so I felt I had to get my crappy eating habits under control first.

The first 10kg pretty much fell off straight away, but did plateau eventually.

I then started hammering the treadmill for 45–60 minutes 3–4 times a week. The Bux party the week before the wedding saw me put 4kg back on (all beer). I came home and went pretty hard for the week and was able to lose all that plus 1.

A massive thanks to Aaron for sharing his remarkable story.

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Ashleigh EG.
My Muscle Chef

Marketing at My Muscle Chef. Loves all kinds of movement. Happiest in nature or at the gym. Owns more activewear than is strictly necessary.