My Muscle Chef
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2016


Importance of Daily Physical Activity

The New Year is always an opportunity for us to rethink our diet and exercise habits, and incorporate healthier choices if need be. Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or just try to look and feel your best, you can achieve these goals by making small lifestyle changes one step at a time. We all know it is very important eats healthy meals, however you also need to incorporate daily physical activity in to your lifestyle to achieve the results you really want. I have listed below a couple of lesser known benefits of daily exercise and why it is an absolute key to living your best, healthiest life.

First, daily physical activity improves your mood. Just thirty minutes of activity daily helps to release endorphins, or chemicals that act as natural mood lifters. When you add physical activity daily, you will find that your overall sense of wellbeing improves tremendously. Not only that, but you will see an increase in energy and productivity if you work out. A good idea is to work out first thing in the morning, I find that it puts me in a great mood and I’m ready for the day ahead.

Daily physical activity also helps you relax and alleviate stress. The release of endorphins not only helps you to feel better, but it is also proven to help you sleep better and more soundly at night. This will help you feel well rested, focused, and less distracted during the day. If you are someone who is in to lifting weights, I often find my best workouts are after a tough day at work and I feel great after it!

Lastly, physical activity helps ward off a variety of diseases linked to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. This list includes heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and depression. Exercise can even help those struggling with drug and alcohol addictions to overcome cravings and avoid using. Since all of these diseases have a high mortality rate, it’s easy to see that taking just 30 minutes a day to work out can increase the quality of your life tremendously, helping you look and feel your absolute best.

Well there you have it, why not make a positive change in your life this year by taking out just 30 minutes of your day to exercise. And, if you are looking for delicious healthy meals to make your fitness journey a whole lot easier in 2016 — check out our weight loss and performance meals online.

