“It was easy to decide what to eat with My Muscle Chef!”

Kevin lost +30kgs over the last six months by swapping out high calorie, high sugar foods for healthier options.

Ashleigh EG.
My Muscle Chef
2 min readOct 12, 2018


“Ever wonder what it looks like to train 11 times a week while eating clean for 5 months? There ya go. -29kg fat mass, 24% less body fat and 103cm smaller.” Keep up with Kevin’s incredible journey on Instagram: @KEVIN_FARRUGIA101

The achievement I’m most proud of is my +30kg weight loss in a reasonably short period of time (6 months).

I was so happy to be able to manage fitting in my workouts and clean eating — without the need of meal prepping.

What inspired me to make this change was the fact I was big.

I felt way older than I actually am. I had sleep apnea due to the excess fat I had in my throat.

I needed to make a change to improve my health, and it was really important that I not only made a change, but that I was able to stick to it.

The most challenging part of the weightless journey was saying no to ‘bad’ food.

Coming from a very European background you can imagine the foods I had to say no to cooked by my mother!

Thank goodness it was easy to decide what to eat with My Muscle Chef!

The most unexpected thing I found was how fast results started to show, when I put down that burger and soda and picked up fruit and water.

It took dedication and commitment too, but the fact other people started to notice a change was also really rewarding.

My next goal will be achieving a body fat percentage of at least 11%, and after that I will be focusing on building lean muscle.

I heard of My Muscle Chef from seeing ads on Instagram and seeing transformation stories online.

I’ve been ordering My Muscle Chef since late March this year (2018) but started eating ONLY My Muscle Chef since June, which is when all my change started to happen.

My Muscle Chef fits in my life really easily due to having a busy schedule and no time to prepare healthy meals that are calorie controlled.

It’s such a fantastic service!

My Muscle Chef fuels your life with great tasting portion controlled meals, delivered to your door. Place your order today!

Keep up with Kevin’s incredible journey on Instagram: @KEVIN_FARRUGIA101



Ashleigh EG.
My Muscle Chef

Marketing at My Muscle Chef. Loves all kinds of movement. Happiest in nature or at the gym. Owns more activewear than is strictly necessary.