Learn To Beat Those Morning Blues

Waking up in the morning can be terrible, especially in these colder months of the year.

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
2 min readAug 1, 2018


Waking up in the morning can be terrible, especially in these colder months of the year.

Your bed is too warm and comfortable to leave, and doing so can often feel like a near impossible task (guilty of it, right here!) But it’s a fact of life that you have to get up.

So how to you make getting out of bed an easy task, and not something that sounds so horrible? These useful tips will have you waking up and then ready to roll on with your day!

Get enough sleep

Obvious, right? But your quality of sleep can dictate just how easy it is to get out of bed every day. Experiment with how much sleep your body needs (everyone is different) and find your sweet spot.

Wake up at the same time

Sleep schedules sound silly, but they’re a key part of how you wake up in the morning. Your body has a natural sleep/wake cycle that you need to be wary of and keep in check. Be sure to stay on top it to avoid sleep disturbance.

Expose yourself to light

A natural burst of energy, sunlight will banish your high melatonin levels and wake you up naturally. Be sure to pop open those blinds and see the sun as soon as you wake up. Better yet, leave them slightly open so the sun wakes you of a morning. Beats the alarm clock buzzing!

Take a shower

Do this every morning to combat fatigue and increase alertness. I am not talking about one long, hot shower here. I am talking about the hot/cold kind. Stand under the shower when the water is still cold, and wait for it to heat up. Alternating between cold and hot can help relieve grogginess. It’s a great tool to get you up and running of a morning.

Drink water, not coffee

I am not saying coffee is a no-no, but drink water FIRST. You’ve been sleeping and have gone several hours without water. Your body will crave it so re-hydrate yourself by drinking a cold glass. The cold will help energise you too.

You’ll make waking up easier if you get enough rest, and if you implement some of these steps once you’re out of your cosy bed, you may find that mornings become easier for you, and you won’t dread waking up in the cold so much.

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!