Low Calorie Snacks To Add To Your Day

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2018

Are you on a ‘diet’, so to speak, and finding that you need to snack between meals? As in, you start to get agitated and a bit on the cranky side because you are hungry between breakfast, lunch and dinner? I know I get like that, ALL the time, so I have a few little secret weapons to pass on to you to get you through.

It isn’t unusual to feel a discomfort when you are in a calorie deficit — in fact, you should expect it. That uncomfortable feeling usually means progress is coming, but you don’t have to be completely left without a paddle. Check out my favourite low-calorie snack ideas.

Tomatoes — 1, raw 22 calories

Sweet and juicy, this fruit reduces your risk of cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease according to a study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. But it is also low in calories, so won’t hurt your waistline when eaten in moderation. If you crave sweet in your diet, be sure to add in these as a snack. It will keep you away from the chocolate box!

Mushrooms — 1 cup, raw 15 calories

Low in calories, yes, but also high in fibre meaning you’re fuller for so much longer. Eating mushrooms as a snack will keep you satiated, and give your body well-earned nutrients in one handful. It’s the perfect equation for your health goals!

Spinach — 1 cup, raw 7 calories

Maybe Popeye was onto something? Okay, so spinach isn’t a ‘snack’ food, but in all seriousness, at approximately 7 calories per cup, you can’t go wrong with this leafy green. I use it to add some serious volume to my meals, for very little additional calories; it’s basically non-existent! Not the tastiest on its own, but if you love the taste, there is nothing wrong with eating it from the bag.

Snow peas — ½ cup, raw, 34 calories

Super convenient peas that don’t need shelling, these are a fantastic snack option to keep you crunching until your next meal. High in protein, they’ll keep you full and help you feel as though you’re chewing between meals. Chances are you won’t feel as uncomfortable once you’ve had a much of this snack.

Feeling uncomfortable and hungry when you’re in a calorie deficit and on a path towards weightless is normal. You don’t have to feel as though you’re suffering though, with a few extra additions, you can fill those moments with something to crunch!

My Muscle Chef provides the best tasting muscle building and weight loss meals available on the market, with convenient home delivery. Order yours today!



When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!